I recently moved out of a huge, river view, air-conditionned mansion with a pool and into a modest, cinderblock home with no view, no hot water, no oven and tons of bugs!
The transition happened because the family I was living with moved to a smaller home and had no room for me. Housing is scarce in Maun and although I looked and looked, I couldn't find a place to call my own. Since no one offered me a couch, I reluctantly moved in with the guy I'm seeing. Reluctant because I'm just not ready to cohabit. I'm a very independent person and I enjoy my space. When I lived with the family, there was a lot of room for us to decompress and stay away from each other if necessary. Now, I do not have that luxury.
Instead, I'm faced with an influx of people who seemingly waltz in and out of my house whether they're invited or not. And eat our food, use our internet and complain when there is no food in the fridge. It drives me insane. My boyfriend and his roommate are from Zimbabwe and apparently this gives everyone an open invitation to our home. Makes sense, right? Not to this Canadian girl!
These boys have a strong sense of community, family and responsibility for others. In our case, our home is open to guests whether they leave at the end of the night or not and doubles as a storage unit for Zimbabweans who leave Botswana even those who may never come back. Seriously, we are storing a microwave-oven, a large metal chest, two computer monitors (not flat screen), two large boxes and a few camping mats for a man who left Botswana last year with no plans to return. But because he MIGHT return, we need to hold this crap for him...but we're not allowed to use any of it. We don't have an oven! I'm ready to rip that microwave oven out of its box and start cooking!
Maybe I'm just in culture shock, but I expect my home to be a safe haven; a place where I can go after a long day at work to relax, read a book, watch TV, do some yoga, etc. in relative peace. I'd also like to invite a few friends over but since I have no idea how many people will be in my house at any given time, I'm skeptical to send out invitations.
I know I've just moved in and it's not really "my" house so I've tried to be accepting but everyone has their limits. I pity the ungrateful, lazy, food stealing "guest" who feels my wrath when I finally blow up. It's coming. Wait for it.
Wow Em! Sounds like some major culture shock. Hope it all works out in the end - serenity now! And you should totally post some pictures! xo Andrea